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Scottish Cobbles 50-75mm - Pallet (50) 20kg bags

£439.99 with FREE delivery
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In stock - available to buy nowFREE delivery on all orders over £60.00

Product information

Scottish Cobbles are a superior highly rounded beach cobble, which feature a variety of colours including browns, reds, greys and creams that blend well with any garden project. The colours are more apparent when the product is wet (as shown in picture) so is particularly suited for use in water features.

Please note that this item will require 5-7 working days for delivery.
Pallet deliveries are kerbside ONLY, please advise of any access issues before placing an order.
Please provide us with a contact number when placing your order.

  • Fish friendly

Technical specifications

Product size50-75mm
Product shapeRounded
ColourMixture of browns, reds & pastels
Bag size20kg
Bags per pallet50
Depth of 75mm covers 0.16m² / 1.75 sq ft