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Berthoud Floraly 7 Optima 7.5lt Hand Held Sprayer

£94.99 with FREE delivery
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Product information

Berthoud Sprayer for home gardens. The Berthoud Florally 7 Optima is hand held sprayer for covering moderate areas with fertiliser or weed control. The F7 Optima is a hand pressure sprayer that is pumped by hand to create pressure in the container that pushes the spray through the lance, making spraying effortless.

Berthoud Sprayers

Berthoud is a French brand that started producing sprayers for grape vines. They have been making sprayers for gardens and commercial applications for over 100 years, including hand held sprayers and knapsack sprayers. We have a range of Berthoud Sprayers for sale including the Floraly, Elyte, Pro Comfort and Vermorel knapsack sprayers.

  • Berthoud Sprayer for home gardens
  • Hand held sprayer for applying fungicides and pesticides
  • Pump by hand to create pressure in the sprayer
  • Makes spraying effortless

Technical specifications

Total reservoir capacity7.2lt
Useable capacity5lt