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Rubber Tree Ties Super Soft 35cm x 10

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Product information

Rubber tree ties are super soft and expand to allow the tree to grow in width, while specially designed grooves prevent damage to the bark. Reusable, weather resistant and UV stabilised tree ties. The figure of 8 loops means the tree tie pads the space between the tree and tree support. Pack of 10 x 35cm ties.

Tree Ties

Tree ties are folded around the tree and then slotted through the holes in the strap to make a figure of eight shape. One half of the figure 8 shape surrounds the tree and the other half is looped around the support stake or pole.

  • Rubber tree ties
  • Weather resistant and UV stabilised
  • Tree tie pads space between tree and support
  • Specially designed grooves protect bark
  • Tree ties are reusable for up to 12 years

Technical specifications

Size35cm (14")