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Westland Resolva Lawn Weed Killer EXTRA 500ml Concentrate, Effective Lawn Weed Solution

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Product information

Resolva Lawn Weedkiller EXTRA Concentrate 500ml is the Ideal Solution for Maintaining Pristine Lawns

Keeping them free from broad-leaved weeds such as clover, daisy, buttercup, and dandelions. This powerful concentrate kills weeds right down to the root, providing long-lasting weed control. Suitable for use with sprayers and watering cans, it ensures comprehensive weed coverage from April through September when weeds are actively growing. For best results, use plant protection products safely by always reading the label and product information before application.

How to Use

Apply the concentrate using a sprayer or watering can fitted with a fine rose.
Ensure thorough coverage of weeds.
Use in calm weather to avoid spray drift.
Apply from April until the end of September when lawn weeds are actively growing.
Allow 24 hours of rain-free conditions post-application for optimal results.

  • Key Features

  • Controls a wide range of broad-leaved weeds
  • Systemic formula kills weeds to the root
  • Safe for use on lawns
  • Compatible with sprayers and watering cans
  • Effective from April to September

Technical specifications

Active IngredientsMecoprop-P and Dicamba
ApplicationSprayer or watering can with fine rose
Coverage2500 sq. meters per 500ml
BenefitsLong-lasting, effective weed control
Environmental ImpactUse as directed to minimize impact